I was having a conversation with my husband today and saying how 'Paris' is so in right now in the land of fabric and applique. We discussed that I didn't really enjoy my visit to Paris and that my highlights were a trip to Disneyland and a dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe where we sat next to 2 very funny American ladies who had a camera that was dedicated exclusively to taking photos of boy bits around town (statue and real)... what a laugh!
The Eiffel Tower was beautiful, but a bit brown and rusty looking, not like the pictures and I think I almost expected it to have little markets underneath with little French guys in striped shirts selling their wares at market stalls... I blame the movies for over-glamorising things!
Then I mentioned the rocks in Rome (the Coliseum)... well, his face dropped. "What do you mean the ROCKS in Rome, you mean the Epicentre of the Roman Empire?" I said "Yeah, what is so fancy about that, why is that so good?" He replied and told me something about lions and Christian's... not really sure, tuned out! I do remember him saying something about not believing we have been together for over 10 years and him not knowing that I wasn't interested in the rocks!
These are some 'rocks' that I do really appreciate and love - The Giant's Causeway, Ireland |
Venice on the other hand, well I loved that place! I have been twice now. I loved it because it is still there (and the Carbonara was to die for). I wouldn't go back to see it after it has sunk though... where is the fun in that?
Sorry, but I am just not into history.
Some might say I am uncultured, but others might understand. For me, I need to see things to fully appreciate them, not look at them and picture what they used to be.
I have an imagination, really I do, I think it just works in reverse. With fabric, I can look at it folded up in neat piles or thrown in a heap and visualise exactly what I would use it for, what it will become and how awesome it will look when it is finished!
Funny how the mind works hey?
Funny how the mind works hey?
oh you make me laugh Boo...You are neither uncultured or a philistine...People who think they are better than others because they can spout acadamia are the uncultured people because they are stuck in an unreal world..Not like us Cyberbunnies ;P Lane xx